
Request for Proposals

for Pilot Projects in Global Health for Haiti


HealthShare Global, a small NGO dedicated to global health education and service in Haiti has been successful enough in fundraising this year to offer this RFP for pilot projects to address global health education and service in Haiti.

Who May Apply:

NGO's with a track record of successful programs for health professions education and service in Haiti.

Geographic Areas of Interest:

The Central Plateau and Northern Department. Note: Programs in Port-au-Prince will not be a priority for this RFP.

Programmatic Areas of Interest:

Global health education and training of both you asked medical students and Haitian healthcare providers; cervical cancer prevention, screening and treatment; vaccine programs; sickle-cell screening and treatment; hospice care.

How to Apply:

Proposals should be emailed no later than November 30, 2019 to HealthShare Global's Board Chair, Dr. Arthur Fournier at afournie@ miami.edu. A phone conversation with Dr. Fournier after production of the first draft and final submission is encouraged.

Proposal should include:

  1. Statement of the problem and its significance.

  2. Goals and methodology to address the problem.

  3. Anticipated outcomes.

  4. A one year budget and justification, including matching funds.

  5. Plans for sustainability.

Successful applicants will be notified no later than December 30, 2019 and are expected to implement their project during calendar year 2020.